Most people can deal with a few bugs buzzing around their home or business, but when you encounter a swarm of insects, it’s time to get a Pest Pro involved. Swarms of pests can cause damage to your home, yourself, and surrounding plant life. We want you to know about the top 5 pests that appear in Michigan in masses so you’re not caught completely off guard if you see them.
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A specific periodical species of cicada, Brood X, appears every 17 years from underground in numbers that reach the billions. While cicadas aren’t a threat to your personal safety, they can wreak havoc on any crops or other plant life they choose to swarm upon. They’re scheduled to swarm Michigan in 2021 from May through June, so be ready for that incessant buzzing sound to take over.

Certain species of termite have given the whole family a bad reputation for destroying wood. The southern half of Michigan is in striking range for the subterranean termite, the kind that will swarm a home and leave its wooden structure hollowed out when they feed and live there. Their typical swarming time is from spring to summer, so have Pest Pros prepare your home with a proper defense before they cause extensive damage.
Flying Ants
While flying ants don’t pose a threat to your personal safety, no one wants to live in a home infested with ants. These flying ants tend to swarm Michigan in the summer months, especially during the first clear day following a storm. If the swarm is left untreated, it could mean tons of ants invading your home in search of food.

Bees tend to swarm in Michigan from April through May in search of their new home. A swarm of bees are, in most cases, harmless. Unless they are provoked, a swarm of bees should leave you alone. Now, if those bees choose your property as their new home, then it may be tougher to avoid provoking them. This is when it’s important to involve a Pest Pro.
Mayflies, or fishflies, hatch in May in areas near lakes – as their names suggest. While Mayflies aren’t dangerous by any means, they are annoying and can be pretty gross when they reach swarm numbers. They’ll cover light sources and stick to every inch of buildings and cars, so be careful with your windshield wipers if you don’t want to smear insects all over your window.
As you can see, for the most part, a swarm of insects in Michigan shouldn’t cause a panic. However, if they decide to settle around your home, it’s smart to have something done about it before you start to feel the negative effects of these new neighbors on you or your property. If you’re dealing with swarming pests in the Kalamazoo or Portage area, then the Pest Pros are here to help! We’ve got the experience and expertise to safely and humanely get rid of your pest problem, whatever it may be.
When that swarm of pests gets a little too close for comfort, call Pest Pros and we’ll restore order around your home and take it back from the swarm!